Punta Ristola/ Cave of the Diavolo

Definitely one of the points of interest that deserve to be visited. The tourist who reaches Santa Maria di Leuca must necessarily dedicate a few hours of his stay to the discovery of this place full of meaning. It is located on Punta Ristola, one of the most beautiful places from which to admire a sunset and the bay of Leuca.

Grotta del Diavolo - Punta Ristola Santa Maria di Leuca

A small river named Duden

grotte levante adriatico santa maria di leuca

A small river named Duden

Cave of the Diavolo – Punta Ristola

It can be accessed both from land (on foot) and from the sea (by boat / swimming). Both from the sea and from the land it is possible to see the Porcinara Grotto a few meters away.

These caves were frequented in ancient times and were thought to be the entrance to hell. Nearby you will see a large tricolor flag of Italy, raised on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Italian Republic and a statue dedicated to Padre Pio. These two symbols testify to the value of this locality both from a religious and a geographical point of view. We are located in the extreme point of the Italian territory but also the landing point for those arriving from the sea. From here we have Greece and Albania a few tens of km away, reachable with a few hours of navigation.

On days of mistral wind, the lucky ones will be able to admire the Albanian mountains and the Greek islands on the eastern horizon, while Calabria in the west.

Main advantages in participating in excursions to the caves of Santa Maria di Leuca:
1. Make use of a local guide
2. To be able to choose between different itineraries
3. Excursions for groups of up to 50 people
4. Explore enchanting places

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escursioni in barca con aperitivo santa maria di leuca

Sea caves in Santa Maria di Leuca and in Salento

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